Lam Rim Buddist Centre


Dan Buys

MAY 7 Saturday Dharma Special 10am – 4.30pm PRACTICAL COMPASSION with Dan Buys

As an introduction to Buddhism and its cultivation and training of wise and loving awareness, this workshop will look at the benefits and meaning of calming, loving kindness and compassion. This is a foundation of wise clarity. This in turn has the potential to awaken one’s being as well as enriching the lives of those around us. This workshop offers an experiential introduction to the Teachings of the Buddha.
Cost £40pp incl Lunch & refreshments.

Polly Tunnel

MAY 14 Saturday 10am – 4.30pm GARDENERS’ OFFERING DAYS

Any module of time during this day will be much appreciated. Experienced gardeners needed for help in Polytunnel, Vegetable garden & flower gardens. Willing Hands needed for Woodland & Prayer Path. Weather Permitting. Helpful if you can bring your own favourite tools & wellies. Simple lunch provided. Email or telephone. Next Offering Days Click on to May 15 & 22

MAY 15 Sunday 10am – 4.30pm GARDENERS’ OFFERING DAYS

Any module of time during this day will be much appreciated. As above.

Buddha Statue at Lam Rim Buddhist Centre Wales


In the Buddhist Calendar this is the most important day. We will celebrate by chanting an Offering Puja with Geshe Damcho-la.

If you would like to spend a quiet day, you are most welcome to come and sit either in our shrine room or in the grounds to dedicate all the beneficial acts to you have offered in the past and present, and to have strong resolve to continue benefitting all living beings, regardless of obstacles and hindrances that may arise.

Offering Donations are most welcome.

MAY 22 Sunday 10am – 4.30pm GARENERS’ OFFERING DAYS

Any module of time during this day will be much appreciated. Experienced gardeners needed for help in Polytunnel, Vegetable garden & flower beds. Willing Hands needed for Woodland and Prayer Path Weather Permitting. Helpful if you can bring your own favourite tools & wellies. Simple lunch provided. Email or telephone


MAY 28 Saturday Dharma Special 10.30-4.30pm Geshe Damcho-la Teaching DEVELOPING KARMA Text: Bodhisattva’s Jewel Garland by Atisha (982-1054)

This text can be found in– Mind Training –The Great Collection –translated by Thupten Jinpa pub.Wisdom

Cost £45pp incl Lunch & refreshments.